What Are You Thankful For?

Thanksgiving isn't a day; it's a state of being. A way we may choose to live...or not. Take a moment to consider all that you have been given. In stead of dwelling on the unchecked boxes on your always growing to do list, remember the reasons you have that list. The people you are providing for, the home that needs fixing, the car that needs a tune up, the meal that needs preparing, the spouse who is driving you crazy, your singleness that affords you such freedom. We have so much in this life, yet often our propensity is to focus on what we don't have or the things or people that seem to always fall short of our expectations. This way of thinking robs us of joy. It binds us to disappointment and steals our life. I'm preaching to myself most of all here.
Let's join together this season and start a new way of being. A way of thankfulness. It takes diligence to be sure. We must take our thoughts captive and rewire the way we think. Start today. Perhaps every day you just take a few moments to consider one thing you are thankful for. ONE THING. It is out of this place that our hearts are prepared to give freely and without expecting anything in return. Thanksgiving breeds contentment, and from this place of contentment we are able to love others well.
Today, I am thankful for you. The Très Chic customers that I know and love. You are the reason I want to come to work every day. Our newest addition, little boy Emeth, is 5 weeks old, and being home bound those first few weeks had me so stir crazy! Momming is hard, y'all!
I was itching to get back to work, and be a part of meeting amazing women and helping them feel fabulous. I'm back at last, and I am here to say thank you for shopping with us. Tell us what you are thankful for today!

Such a great post! So easy to get bogged down by that checklist and forget the good, meaningful, life giving things. I am thankful for two happy, healthy and silly babies. I am thankful for the few minutes and seconds with my husband between changing diapers, playing Star Wars and making dinner. I am thankful for coffee dates with friends who love you through life’s circus!
I’m thankful for cooler weather, the ability to be a mom and work, the opportunity to care for others, friends and family, and of course good fall fashion!! I’m wearing my black cigarette pant like every day!
I am thankful for my friends who have been so supportive of my work and growth, especially this year. I’m also thankful for the great team at Tres Chic who know my style!! Ya’ll are the best!
I am thankful for multi-generational friendships. What a blessing to share in lives across the spectrum of age.
I am thankful for my fabulous faux fur leopard print coat I got from Trea Chic! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! 😊 And…I my heart is full of gratitude for my soul mate, my friends and a deeper sense of joy and purpose. Love you!
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